A Guide to 2022 Intention Setting

A Guide to 2022 Intention Setting

With 2021 coming to a close, many of us are thinking about what we want to call in during the new year - our goals and resolutions. We may even be thinking, "new year, new me." And while setting goals can be an important exercise for personal growth, this year we're focusing on setting intentions, not just resolutions. 

Why? Goals are more conclusive. Once you accomplished a goal you set forth, it's considered over and done. Whereas intention setting focuses more on how you reach a goal - in this way, intentions are about the journey rather than the destination. They are not meant to be checked off a list or completed. Intentions are powerful causes that can make impactful change in your life. 

This year, consider setting intentions as we ring in 2022. Work with an intention that feels aligned with your personal values and beliefs. Stay in a positive mindset. Keep reading to get the guide to 2022 intention setting. 

Ask yourself a few questions

Carve out enough time to ask yourself some personal questions. Create a cozy, quiet space so you can get really honest about what you prioritize most. ICF Certified Executive Coach, Melissa Eisler, recommends the following questions:

  • What matters most to you?
  • What would you like to build, create, or nurture in your life?
  • What would you like to let go of?
  • Who would you like to forgive in your life?
  • How do you feel when you are your happiest self?
  • What makes you proud?
  • What word(s) would you like to align yourself with?
  • What fears would you like to release?
  • What are you grateful for?
  • What are your wildest dreams?

Take time to answer and reflect

Give yourself a few minutes per question to consider your answer. Remember that this exercise is for you and you can be radically honest with yourself. Write down your answers in a journal or type up your answers in your phone notes. Your intentions are ultimately commitments to yourself. 

Notice any common words or patterns across how you answer each question. Intentions can be a very simple phrase or even a single word. See what comes up for you and what resonates - both in your mind and physically in your body. Notice how your energy shifts as you reflect on each answer.

Simple intentions to try in 2022

Melissa Eisler offers a few intentions that you can borrow: 

  • Find balance
  • Open your mind and heart
  • Peace
  • Stay steady, calm and focused
  • Act with courage
  • Embrace change
  • Give and receive love
  • Allow yourself to be vulnerable
  • Connect with others
  • Acceptance

You can also try on: 

  • Saying "yes"
  • Find the levity
  • Lead with love
  • Ask for help
  • Open-hearted & open-minded

Setting intentions is a beautiful way to live your purpose, build more self-confidence, and stay grounded. Rather than only setting a resolution, try set intentions for your 2022. 

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