5 Things You Should Look for When Shopping for a Digestive Enzyme Supplement

What to look for when shopping for digestive enzymes

Supplementing with a well-designed digestive enzyme complex has proven to help people get the most nutrients from food consumed and improves digestion. When taken with consistency, adding a digestive enzyme before every meal can even help you reduce bloating, indigestion, gas, and other digestive issues. Who wouldn't want that?

However, not all digestive enzymes are created equal. 

While you're shopping for a digestive enzyme, it's important to consider a few things about how the supplement is formulated, the ingredients, how it's tested, how well it works, and so on. In short, there are some major things you should be aware of and look out for.

To make it a little easier for you to decipher which enzymes are best for you, we've put together this helpful list of five things you should consider.

1. Plant-based or Animal-based

We recommend you shop for digestive enzymes that are plant-based (just like Confidence). Plant-based enzymes are more functional across a wide range of pH levels. This makes plant-based enzymes a better choice for optimal support of the entire digestive tract including the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, rectum, and anus. On the other hand, animal-based enzymes are only functional across a narrow pH range which makes them less-effective in the stomach. Additionally, plant-based enzymes come from living microorganisms, such as aspergillus, which are believed to be better for your gut. 


2. Artificial Sweeteners

To make supplements like chewables or gummies taste better, some companies use artificial, "non-nutritive" sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners often contain zero calories, making them a seemingly good alternative to refined sugars. However, they present a whole host of issues with symptoms ranging from migraines and moodiness to memory loss and weight gain. Some of the most dangerous artificial sweeteners include Aspartame, Sucralose, Acesulfame, Saccharin, and Xylitol. If you're looking to improve your gut health, and your overall health, it's best to find a digestive enzyme that does not contain any artificial sweeteners. They can be detrimental to your health.

3. Synthetic Fillers

Have you ever investigated the ingredient list on one of your supplement bottles and wondered, "what the heck is magnesium silicate or stearic acid or titanium dioxide?" Those are synthetic fillers or excipients. Why are they in your supplements and vitamins? Supplement manufactures use fillers for a variety of reasons: 

  • As a binding agent to hold tablets and capsules together
  • To bulk supplements up so they don't appear half full
  • As lubricants so that the capsules don't clump or stick together
  • To coat and glaze supplements, making them easier to swallow
  • To preserve the shelf life of the capsules

While not all fillers are harmful, a few of them are. For example, magnesium silicate can cause lung problems when inhaled and titanium dioxide, which is typically used as a colorant, can cause lung inflammation. To best protect your health, we suggest that you choose a digestive enzyme that is free of synthetic fillers and uses only natural ingredients. Make sure to check the ingredient labels on all of the products you consumer. 

4. Third-Party Testing

Supplements that are made with third-party testing and certification work with an outside organization (that is not the company itself) to evaluate the supplement's quality. It's important because dietary supplements are often manufactured with little regulations, which can lead to some companies cutting corners on quality and effectiveness.  According to the USADA, "dietary supplements are regulated in a post-market fashion, which means that no regulatory body approves the accuracy of the label or safety of the contents before they are sold to consumers." When it comes to choosing the digestive enzyme that's right for you, keep in mind that third-party testing ensures that the supplements are just as potent and effective as the company claims. 

5. Prebiotics vs. Probiotics vs. Digestive Enzymes 

If you're looking to supplement with a digestive enzyme complex, it's important that you look for just that - a supplement that aids digestion. There are a number of products that help to improve gut health (and we are enthused that many are becoming available), but not all are designed to promote digestion. Get clear on what each supplement is intended to do. Here's a quick guide: 

  • A prebiotic is something in your food that can’t be broken down by your digestive system, can be broken down by your gut bacteria, and helps gut bacteria work or grow. In short, prebiotics act as “microbiome fuel” and help certain microbial members thrive.

  • Probiotics are also known commonly as "friendly" bacteria. In rare cases they are yeast or other microbes. Probiotics are living organisms that restore the natural balance of your gut bacteria.

  • Digestive enzymes do exactly what their name implies: they help you digest food. They break down complex food molecules that, if left undigested, can act as irritants to your GI tract or prevent you from getting the full goodness and nourishment from a given food. 

The Confidence Advantage 

When we first sought out to create our digestive enzymes, we kept all of these considerations at the forefront. Our founder, Lexi Aiassa, teamed up with a group of experts to create a premium, proprietary digestive enzyme blend. We're so incredibly proud of these enzymes that have helped thousands of people find real digestive relief. Confidence is:

  • 100% all-natural
  • Doctor formulated
  • Free of synthetic fillers
  • Gluten-free
  • Third-party tested
  • Plant-based and 100% vegan
  • Free of artificial sweeteners
  • Designed to break down protein, gluten, fat, carbs and fiber

Take Confidence to digest your food with ease and avoid bloating, stomach pains, indigestion, constipation, and awkward gas. Shop here. 

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